5 Tips for a Healthy Winter

Winter is coming. Brace your immune system with these top 5 tips for staying healthy as we head into the colder months in North America.

1. Sleep - Getting enough sleep is severely underrated these days. I cannot stress this enough - aim for at least 6 hours. 8 is better. Turn off the computer/tablet/tv/phon at least an hour before you plan to go to sleep. The light from our devices tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime - not good!

2. Water - Just because it's not 90 degrees out anymore doesn't mean you should drink less water. Stay hydrated. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces.

3. Vitamin D - If you live north of Los Angeles or Atlanta then you just don't get enough sunlight in the winter to give you adequate Vitamin D. Supplementation is definitely the way to go. Go for at least 2,000 IU a day. Vitamin D is essential for immune system health, mental health, bone strength and more!

4. Turmeric - This mighty root used in a lot of Indian food recipes has so many benefits and it's getting the most press lately for its anti-inflammation benefits. But turmeric also boosts your immune system, its anti-viral, anti-microbial, and heals your intestinal tract where all your good bugs (i.e. probiotics) live! There are some great turmeric supplements available. Gaia Herbs is my favorite.

5. Ashwagandha - the most powerful immune boosting adaptogenic herb available! An adaptogen "adapts" to your body's needs. In the case of Ashwagandha it is great for helping your body relax when you're over stressed while at the same time giving you a boost in stamina and energy. I also recommend Gaia Herbs Ashwagandha.

Want to do more than just avoid getting sick this winter? Want to begin your journey toward your ultimate health and wellness? It all starts with a free connection call with yours truly. 

As your personal health and wellness coach I will help you get out of your slump and into a life you can feel good about.


Peace in our Time