I know how you’re feeling…

You think you’re happy, yet there’s a nagging sense that something’s missing and you can’t quite put your finger on it.

You keep shoulding on yourself. “I should be making more money. I should be further along in a career. I should be more like so and so. I should be this, I should be that.” You’re not quite satisfied no matter what you achieve.

You’re getting older! When did this happen?! It’s getting harder and harder to stay in shape, but who has time to exercise and eat healthy?

If only you had clarity about what you needed to change and a focused plan to start living a life you can feel good about.

Imagine if…

You were able to appreciate your life today as it is, while moving in the direction of your dreams.

You were fit and energized naturally.

You ate a diet that was healthy and delicious. 

You were more present in your life, your job, and your relationships.

You felt more connected to the people and the world around you. 

You felt good about the person staring back at you in the mirror. 

You learned to treat yourself with gentleness and ease.

Guess what? You can do it.

As your coach I will guide you to live a life you can be proud of. I will teach you how to live more in the present and help you get unstuck from your destructive patterns of the past so you can begin to let your true self emerge. I will hold you accountable and be your support as you reclaim the health and vibrancy that is yours.

After working together, you will have greater clarity, strength, and stability in everything you do. You will feel better in every way.

My services are for you if:

You’re frustrated with your current health but don’t know where to start or how to start over.

You want to start eating plant based but you don’t know how to make vegetables taste good.

You’ve tried meditation but you think you suck at it. 

You don’t have time to do anything good for you and you need help managing your time.

You need accountability - someone to keep you on track.

You want to feel better about who you are and find your path to a fulfilling life.

What’s included:

Weekly 60 minute meetings for 6 weeks.

Together we establish goals and a plan of action for getting you there.

Mindfulness meditation instruction (the secret weapon)

Plant based eating ideas that are easy to prepare and delicious. 

Weekly tasks to move you forward.

Text and email support between sessions. 

Loving support and a nonjudgmental place to express what’s on your mind.

Who I work with:

Men who are looking to regain lost vitality, re-spark their life, and leave their fat pants behind forever.

“It is our mind, and that alone, that chains us or sets us free.”

Ready to get started? Get connected.